Asociatia M.A.M.E.

Asociatia M.A.M.E.

Centrul Stelutelor / Little Stars Center

Status: Fundraising

Centrul Stelutelor este unul dintre putinele centre de suport si recuperare din tara in cadrul caruia copiii bolnavi pot accesa gratuit o gama larga de terapii complementare tratamentului medical, care ii ajuta sa depaseasca mai usor perioada de confruntare cu boala. Acestia beneficiaza de fizioterapie, kinetoterapie, logopedie, consiliere nutritionala, consiliere psihologica, activitati educative si de socializare, terapie prin arta si joc, terapie multisenzoriala si prin VR (realitate virtuala), dar si de ajutor material si financiar, oferit la nevoie.


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9.813% Complete

9,813 RON






100,000 RON


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Interventia noastra in viata lor se intinde pe perioade lungi de timp, avand ca rezultat schimbari majore, pozitive, care ii ajuta sa iasa invingatori din lupta cu boala! De exemplu, avem in atentia noastra copii precum Ioana, o fetita care, de la varsta de 3 ani, a fost diagnosticata cu cancer. De mai bine de 7 ani, ea beneficiaza de kinetoterapie, psihoterapie si consiliere nutritionala, terapii care au ajutat-o sa se bucure, din nou, de copilarie.   

Ca Ioana, mai sunt in atentia noastra alti 124 copii ce trec saptamanal pragul Centrului Stelutelor. Insa, in ultima perioada, un numar tot mai mare de parinti cu copii bolnavi ne-au solicitat includerea lor in programele de recuperare medicala si suport emotional pe care le oferim. Din cauza lipsei de fonduri, posibilitatea de a prelua cazuri noi, la Centrul Stelutelor, este redusa.

Apelam la sprijinul vostru, al tuturor, sa va alaturati cu o donatie pentru ca astfel sa ii ajutati pe cei mici sa aiba acces gratuit la terapiile de care au nevoie!  Cu fiecare donatie, ii aduceti cu un pas mai aproape de o copilarie fericita, linistita si cat mai departe de patul de spital!

O donatie de 50 lei acopera costul unei sedinte de logopedie!
O donatie de 100 lei asigura o sedinte de psihoterapie!
O donatie de 400 lei asigura, timp de o luna, sedintele de fiziokinetoterapie pentru un copil bolnav!  

Va multumim din suflet!


English version

The Little Stars Center is one of the few support and recovery centers in our country where sick children can access free of charge a wide range of therapies complementary to medical treatment, which helps them overcome more easily the period of coping with the disease. They benefit from physical therapy, Kinesiotherapy, speech therapy, nutritional counseling, psychological counseling, educational and social activities, art and play therapy, multisensory therapy and VR (virtual reality), but also material and financial help, provided as needed.

Our intervention in their lives extends over long periods of time, resulting in major, positive changes that help them emerge victorious from the fight against the disease! For example, we have in our care children like Ioana, a little girl who, from the age of 3, was diagnosed with cancer. For more than 7 years, she has benefited from physical therapy, psychotherapy and nutritional counseling, therapies that have helped her enjoy her childhood again.

Like Ioana, there are 124 other children in our attention who cross the threshold of the Little Stars Center every week. But recently, a growing number of parents with sick children have asked us to include them in the medical recovery and emotional support programs we offer. Due to lack of funds, the possibility of taking over new cases at the Little Stars Center is reduced.

We ask for your support to join with a donation in order to help the little ones to have free access to the therapies they need! With every single donation, you bring them one step closer to a happy, peaceful childhood and far away from the hospital bed!

A donation of 10 euro covers the cost of a speech therapy session!
A donation of 20 euro ensures a psychotherapy session!
A donation of 80 euro ensures, for a month, the medical recovery sessions for a sick child!

Thank you so much for your generosity!